The course objective is to provide participants with theoretical and practical tools to design effective online and blended learning activities. Participants will understand the opportunities offered by the online environment and learn how to become effective online instructors. This represents a significant opportunity for those unfamiliar with online learning and those looking to keep up with this rapidly-evolving sector.
The course is offered by the eLead Speed Project under the European Commission Erasmus+ programme and is FREE of charge.
Target Group
- Faculty and early-career lecturers with no experience in online learning yet interested in finding out more about this teaching format.
- Faculty with some experience in teaching blended and online modules who seek to expand their understanding of the topic and explore new techniques and trends.
- Teaching and learning executives wanting to incorporate online and blended learning to the training activities of their organisations.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Compare and contrast different instances of online and blended learning.
- Identify the key challenges in online and blended learning and discuss strategies for overcoming these challenges.
- Develop interactive experiences that engage students and enhance online learning.
- Know how to sustain a dynamic online community and support peer-to-peer learning interactions.
- Design a blended or online learning experience based on learning-design principles, best practices, tools, and trends.
The course will be comprised of face-to-face and online learning activities (blended) divided into four consecutive periods:
- Getting started (2-13 March, online). Two weeks of online activities for participants to know each other.
- Kick-off workshop (19-20 March, face-to-face): One-and-a-half-day workshop to set-up the learning groups and provide the basics of digital learning design and facilitation.
- Digital learning period (23 March to 8 June, online): Twelve weeks of interactive training activities divided into 6 ‘e-tivities’ covering different dimensions of digital learning.
- Closing (11 June, face-to-face): One-day event to present the results of project works and reflect on the outcomes of the learning journey.
For participants from Germany you can follow the steps below. For participants from Bulgaria,, Croatia, and Italy the process is similar you can contact your local partner.
The host of the face-to-face activity
The face-to-face activities will take place at the Münster University of Applied Sciences, located at Corrensstraße 25, 48149 Münster, Germany. Specific room number and the starting time will be announced later.
Application process
- Application process
1. Send an e-mail to perusso@fh-muenster.de with your name, institution, current position, and contact details.
2. You will receive an electronic confirmation that your application has been approved within 2-3 days.
3. Your learning journey starts!